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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu news.lists:2148 news.groups:57884 news.misc:9014 news.answers:3580
- Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!snorkelwacker.mit.edu!spool.mu.edu!news.cs.indiana.edu!purdue!spaf
- From: spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford)
- Newsgroups: news.lists,news.groups,news.misc,news.answers
- Subject: Changes to List of Moderators for Usenet
- Message-ID: <spaf-c_moderate_719471831@cs.purdue.edu>
- Date: 19 Oct 92 05:17:13 GMT
- Expires: 18 Dec 92 17:17:11 GMT
- Followup-To: news.misc
- Organization: Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue Univ.
- Lines: 130
- Approved: spaf@cs.purdue.EDU
- Supersedes: <spaf-c_moderate_716962697@cs.purdue.edu>
- Archive-name: moderator-list/diff1
- Last-change: 18 Oct 1992 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)
- *** old/moderate.n Sat Sep 19 23:18:20 1992
- --- ./src/moderate.n Sun Oct 18 23:39:14 1992
- ***************
- *** 5,7 ****
- Original-author: Gene Spafford (spaf@cs.purdue.edu)
- ! Last-change: 18 Sep 1992 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)
- --- 5,7 ----
- Original-author: Gene Spafford (spaf@cs.purdue.edu)
- ! Last-change: 18 Oct 1992 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)
- ***************
- *** 68,74 ****
- those groups. Included in that list are the addresses to use if you
- ! have questions of comments about the groups. After that is given a list
- ! of addresses for submissions of articles to those groups. If your site
- ! is running 2.10.2 or 2.10.3 news, these addresses can be used to build
- ! the "moderators" file so that "postnews" can automatically mail an
- ! article to the correct moderator.
- --- 68,73 ----
- those groups. Included in that list are the addresses to use if you
- ! have questions of comments about the groups. After that is given a
- ! list of addresses for submissions of articles to those groups. These
- ! addresses can be used to build the "moderators" file so that
- ! "postnews" can automatically mail an article to the correct moderator.
- ***************
- *** 81,92 ****
- ! If your system is running 2.11 news, posting to moderated newsgroups
- ! is done by mailing your submission to well-defined aliases at a nearby
- well-connected site. The mail path to that site should be in your
- ! news library, in the file "mailpaths" -- there is no need to update
- ! a moderators file. Information on how to construct the paths in the
- ! "mailpaths" file are posted in a companion article.
- ! If you are NOT running 2.11 news, you are *STRONGLY* advised to upgrade
- ! to it so as to take advantage of this feature, as well as the numerous
- ! bug fixes and other enhancements.
- --- 80,93 ----
- ! If your system is running a version of news more recent than B news
- ! 2.10 -- including C News and INN -- posting to moderated newsgroups is
- ! done by mailing your submission to well-defined aliases at a nearby
- well-connected site. The mail path to that site should be in your
- ! news library, in the file "mailpaths" -- there is no need to update a
- ! moderators file with the information in this article. Information on
- ! how to construct the paths in the "mailpaths" file are posted in a
- ! companion article.
- ! If you are NOT runninga recent version ofg news, you are *STRONGLY*
- ! advised to upgrade to it so as to take advantage of this feature, as
- ! well as the numerous bug fixes and other enhancements.
- ***************
- *** 248,250 ****
- news.announce.newgroups
- ! Dave Lawrence tale@rpi.edu
- news.announce.newusers
- --- 249,251 ----
- news.announce.newgroups
- ! Dave Lawrence tale@uunet.uu.net
- news.announce.newusers
- ***************
- *** 277,278 ****
- --- 278,285 ----
- Thomas Krueger info-high-audio-request@csd4.csd.uwm.edu
- + rec.aviation.announce
- + Geoff Peck aviation-announce-request@peck.com
- + rec.aviation.answers
- + Geoff Peck aviation-announce-request@peck.com
- + rec.aviation.stories
- + Geoff Peck aviation-announce-request@peck.com
- rec.food.recipes
- ***************
- *** 290,292 ****
- rec.humor.funny
- ! Brad Templeton funny-request@clarinet.com
- rec.humor.oracle
- --- 297,299 ----
- rec.humor.funny
- ! Maddi Hausmann funny-request@clarinet.com
- rec.humor.oracle
- ***************
- *** 470,472 ****
- news.announce.important announce@stargate.com
- ! news.announce.newgroups announce-newgroups@rpi.edu
- news.announce.newusers spaf@cs.purdue.edu
- --- 477,479 ----
- news.announce.important announce@stargate.com
- ! news.announce.newgroups announce-newgroups@uunet.uu.net
- news.announce.newusers spaf@cs.purdue.edu
- ***************
- *** 483,484 ****
- --- 490,494 ----
- rec.audio.high-end info-high-audio@csd4.csd.uwm.edu
- + rec.aviation.announce aviation-announce@peck.com
- + rec.aviation.answers aviation-answers@peck.com
- + rec.aviation.stories aviation-stories@peck.com
- rec.food.recipes recipes@mthvax.cs.miami.edu
- ***************
- *** 522,523 ****
- --- 532,535 ----
- alt.hindu editor@rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu
- + alt.hotrod hotrod@dixie.com
- + alt.materials.simulation alt-materials-simulation@engin.umich.edu
- alt.politics.democrats news-submit@dc.clinton-gore.org
- ***************
- *** 529,531 ****
- alt.society.ati gzero@tronsbox.xei.com
- - alt.society.cu-digest tk0jut2@mvs.cso.niu.edu
- alt.sources.index kyle@uunet.uu.net
- --- 541,542 ----
- ***************
- *** 629,630 ****
- --- 640,642 ----
- info.unix.sw unix-sw-request@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
- + maus.gatebau jc@hb.maus.de
- mi.map uucpmap@rel.mi.org
- --
- Gene Spafford
- Software Engineering Research Center & Dept. of Computer Sciences
- Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-1398
- Internet: spaf@cs.purdue.edu phone: (317) 494-7825